
Introducing the New, Free Immune Response Meditation Live on My YouTube channel

I created the Immune Response Meditation for two related reasons. First, I wanted it to be of help to others during this unprecedented, and sometimes frightening, time. Second, I wanted to provide people with an uncomplicated way to have their own experience using a sound-assisted meditation (SAM) exercise so that they, too, can see how easy it is to feel the very positive benefits of meditation.  Why an Immune Response Meditation? Ongoing research continues to show connections between meditation and Read More

Changing your mindset about meditation

Changing your Mind about Meditation

Here’s an article I wrote for Cincinnati Bar Association. In this article, I want to address a couple of the misconceptions people have about starting and maintaining a meditation practice, and why many of you must change your mind about meditation to be successful and enjoy the obvious physical and mental health benefits associated with a meditation practice. As many of you likely know, there is an increased focus within our profession on improving the health and well-being of attorneys Read More

Legally Mindful® for Experienced Meditators

Legally Mindful® for Experienced Meditators

Even if you are somewhat experienced meditating, I recommend using all of the Primary Level exercises at least a couple of times before you move into the Secondary Level exercises. There are a number of reasons for this suggestion.  Reasons to Use the Primary Level Exercises Before Starting the Secondary Level First, by using the Primary Level exercises, you will become accustomed to the sound technology for getting into a very deep, relaxed state. Depending on how much meditation experience Read More

Legally Mindful® for Beginners

For someone who has little or no experience with meditation, it’s important to understand some of the basic concepts that drive the overall Legally Mindful experience. Default Mode Network and Mind-Wandering We operate in a world that is fast-paced and our thoughts tend to drive our experience of life. Our default-mode network is the standard operating system in our brains to which we default when our brains are not otherwise engaged, or that provides distractions to us when we are Read More

A Simplified Discussion about Brain Waves and Sound-Assisted Meditation Technology (pt. 2)

This is the second in a series of blog posts. Read the first part here. SAM and Brain Waves As attorneys, we are generally fairly skeptical and like to understand what we are agreeing to do. As a result, I want to generally explain the science behind the proprietary sound-assisted meditation (SAM) technology used in the Legally Mindful® exercises, as well as explain a little about brain waves and how the Legally Mindful exercises work with your brain waves to Read More

A Simplified Discussion about Brain Waves and Sound-Assisted Meditation Technology (pt. 1)

I remember when I first started meditating, I never thought about brain waves or understood how important they are in achieving success. After a few years of trying, but failing, to develop a regular meditation practice, I stumbled upon a book that referenced The Monroe Institute® (TMI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit research organization that has been using sound technology in its meditation workshops and research since the mid-1970s. Being a very left-brained, analytical sort at the time, reading about the science Read More

For a Dancer

Today, our Legally Mindful website launches. It’s a new business venture inspired by my late sister Kathy whose death 10 years ago today led me to more deeply and consistently practice meditation, which has become a passion of mine. You can learn more about My Story on our new website. But for now, allow me to share more about Kathy. I like to tell people that we were born on the same trip around the sun. I followed her into Read More

Gary Powell – My Story and the Creation of Legally Mindful

Legally Mindful is a passion of mine. As I approach my 60th birthday, I decided it was time to share my knowledge and experiences to help other attorneys and professionals benefit in a practical way from meditation. I started meditating 14 years ago but never really developed a consistent practice. That changed in 2008 when I started using audio-assisted meditation exercises from The Monroe Institute® (“TMI”). My focus at the time was understanding issues surrounding life and death and other aspects Read More

Why Use Guided Meditation Exercises

Why use guided meditation exercises utilizing Sound-Assisted Meditation (SAM) sound technology? Before I started using guided, sound-assisted meditation exercises, sustaining a regular meditation practice wasn’t easy. While I could feel the benefits during and immediately after meditating, I didn’t experience what I thought were tangible benefits to allow me to justify my time spent meditating. My goal for Legally Mindful is to help professionals remove barriers like the ones I faced so you can focus on maintaining a regular practice. Read More